Monday, November 30, 2009

Nutrition is Key

Most of you know that Paleo = meat, veggies, nuts, seeds, some fruit, little starch and NO SUGAR! Basically removing all the processed bread, rice, and pasta-like items from your daily plate (and any and all sugar/artificial sweetener infused beverages) and eating clean for 4 weeks. To be successful you will empty your cupboards of all such processed junk so as not to be surrounded by it. You will try to reduce your stress and sleep more. All of these lifestyle factors influence whether or not one is lean.

To be eligible you must be a current Woodward CrossFit client and have your before photos taken on or before December 2nd. The rest is up to you!

Food Log (Free):

Proof of Paleo:

The essentials of the Paleolithic Diet are:

Eat none of the following:

· Grains- including bread, pasta, noodles, rice, or corn

· Beans- including string beans, kidney beans, lentils, peanuts, snow-peas and peas

· Potatoes

· Dairy products

· Sugar

· Salt

Eat the following:

· Meat, chicken and fish

· Eggs

· Fruit

· Vegetables (especially root vegetables, but definitely not including potatoes or sweet potatoes)

· Nuts, eg. walnuts, Brazil nuts, macadamia, almond. Do not eat peanuts (a bean) or cashews (a family of their own)

· Berries- strawberries, blueberries, raspberries etc.


  1. One salad recipe I have created is a bagged spring mix, thinly sliced grilled chicken, diced green olives topped with lemon and lime juice (bottled)

    Note: Emerald Cocoa Roast Almounds and chilled Pineapple Chunks go a long way when you have a sweet tooth.

  2. Just had one of the LARABAR's that I think Julie suggested. It was good. It was the "Pecan Pie" one and the ingredients are pecans, dates and almonds. I have a "Banana Bread" one for tomorrow. It's ingredients are unsweetened bananas, pecans and dates.

  3. I realized that HEB has much more to offer than I originally thought. They have an excellent "Raw" food section in their produce dept. and in their "Healthy living" dept. Unsalted nuts, fruit mixes (watch for added sugar in the ingredients), and freeze dried fruits. Just to give you a variety.
    I've learned that mixing the organic spring mix with a few nuts and dried cranberries is a great lunch.
    I can't believe that lemon juice is working for me as a salad dressing and I actually like it. I have used unhealthy cream type dressings for YEARS and didn't need to.
    When I am in a hurry (which I always am) I open a can of Albacore Tuna and mix it with half an apple cubed.
    CARRY SNACKS WITH YOU! Don't get stuck out of the house with nothing and have no choice but to make poor choices!

  4. Good shrimp recipe:
    Had it with roasted parnips and a spinach salad which was surprisingly good. Thanks for cooking Claude!

  5. Okay all, I have to agree that nutrition is KEY! I have been on this diet for 9 days now and as of today have lost 10 lbs! I am a runner and have been doing Crossfit for 3 months. Before I had changed my diet I had only lost 8 lbs since August. Just saying, diet is more to weightloss than I thought!

    Here is a recipe that has been the best I have tried so far: (Wendy- this is for you)

    Shrimp Stuffed Avocados
    4 lg avocados, peeled ,halfed, seeds removed
    1 1/2 c sm salad shrimp, thawed & washed
    (I used frozen)
    1 T lemon juice
    1 T onion powder
    1 tsp blk pepper
    1 T paprika

    Set avocados on serving plate. In a lg skillet cook all other ingredients together until shrimp is fully cooked. Then spoon shrimp mixture onto avocado. Pico is good on top as well. It is delicious!
