Saturday, September 26, 2009

The Final Stretch...

First I wanted to thank everyone for a great job, with only 8 people we have raised $2,520!! The deadline is tomorrow night so please help us in raising the last $100 needed to get Melissa to her goal of $150 by visiting the below link.

Congrats to everyone who participated to day, some of the highlights...
Brandi improved 38 reps!
Nathaniel improved 23 reps!
Kenny improved 13 reps!
Matt improved 4 reps.

Fight Gone Bad Firsts...
A special congrats goes to Wendy Parent for an awesome 216 on her first Fight Gone Bad with a injured knee!! Great job!

Awesome job by Jason Simons, Melissa O'Reilly, Chris Cummins and Mike Bonadies who all made it through they're first FGB.

Thanks to everyone who came out today and a special thank you to everyone who has helped Woodward CrossFit become the community it is today.

Pictures to come soon thanks to Georges Schemagin please take a minute to visit his sites and drop him a note on Facebook.

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