Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The new Matt to go with Woodward CrossFit 2.0

So as many have heard we are moving to a new gym and I am pretty excited but a little overwhelmed at the same time. Around the time I am opening the new gym my wife is due with our second son, this complicated by the growing pains of new trainers, adding an Oly gym, a additional website and managing two contractors it’s a little much.

So.. I thought I'd add one more thing, changing me. A friend of mine passed away this weekend and it made me realize that there is no better time than now. I had knee surgery a few months back and that coupled with the above has been my excuse for not following the diet and routine I have set forth for my clients. yesterday was the last day for excuses...

- Get my body fat measured then get to sub 10% body fat
- Stretch daily
- Stay strict paleo for at least 30 days
- Per week, 3 CF WOD's, 2 Oly Classes and row 5k
- Get to bed by 10:00pm
- Spend more time with my family

Day 1
So far.. protien shake, chicken, baby leaf spinach, olives and some berries